The ch-aviation airside module is for those who want to know more
The new ch-aviation airside module is for those who want to know more about our industry as it brings you fresh insights, analysis, new perspectives, as well as reviews of airline financial reports all in the form of extended articles. While our standard news articles cover daily events, the ch-aviation airside module goes into greater detail, explains markets, puts events into context and inspires you every week with new ideas about the industry.
How it works
Frequently asked Questions
What is the difference between the standard ch-aviation PRO and the ch-aviation airside module?
ch-aviation PRO simply includes news articles that cover current events. ch-aviation airside, though, was created to give more background to a developing story; to explain why, for example, an airline is not doing well or why a market is skyrocketing. It is more like a magazine that should inspire you every day.
How do I use the news/airside search form?
You can combine any of the search criteria on the form and select if you would like to see general news, route news and/or fleet news. When you use the carrier filter, you can either type in the carrier name or the airline’s IATA/ICAO code. For the airport filter, you can enter either the city/airport name or the airport’s IATA/ICAO code. For example, if you search for carrier “AF” (Air France) and Airport “JNB” (Johannesburg), then the news search result will show any news records containing Air France and Johannesburg (as a destination for example).
How can I create a Favourites list?
Click on Airline profile and mark the star next to Airline’s name. This will open a small pop-up allowing you to add airline to a Favorites List.
How can I filter news/airside to show my favorite airlines only?
First, create a list of your favourite airlines. Then, from the News Search function, choose the appropriate list name from the List/Favorites drop down menu. Click search and voila!
for existing ch-aviation PRO subscriber
- ch-aviation airside module
- 400€per year
- full access to all ch-aviation airside articles
- unlimited search queries
- unlimited users (if they are under the same corporate ch-aviation PRO subscription)
Get the module now
Request a complimentary two weeks trial, upgrade your current subscription, or get in touch with us directly.
ch-aviation PRO is the world’s leading airline intelligence resource tool providing in-depth coverage of airlines and related news, as well as their fleet, network, and management.
ch-aviation GmbH
Schützenmatte 15
6362 Stansstad
+41 (0) 44 508 47 07